ElectronicElectronic | english

Zollner AG with Globally Consistent Strategy for Continued Growth

Family-managed global player also relies on manufacturing equipment from Rehm Thermal Systems for its new plant in Costa Rica Competing with globally and successful companies requires a continuous supply of initiatives, ideas and concepts. One of the companies that stands its ground with the best in global competition is Zollner …

ElectronicElectronic | deutsch

Weltweite Strategie. EMS Unternehmen mit über 9000 Mitarbeitern- Zollner AG mit neuem Werk in Costa Rica auf Wachstumskurs

Elektronik- Electronic Manufacturing Services Strategie Global Player. In der Branche der EMS Dienstleister vorne mitzuspielen braucht es dauerhaft Initiative, Ideen und Konzepte um im weltweiten Wettbewerb zu bestehen. Die Zollner AG, EMS Dienstleister aus Zandt im Bayerischen Wald kann in diesem Jahr kann mit Stolz auf 50 Jahre Unternehmensgeschichte zurückblicken. …

ElectronicElectronic | english

3-dimensional soldering process for a MID (molded interconnect device) application

After having described the influence of aperture variations and vacuum on the number of voids and void content in BTCs (bottom terminated components) in part 1 and part 2, a further advantage of the targeted use of vacuum is shown in part 3. As a result of the uniform distribution …

ElectronicElectronic | english

What are the benefits of soldering with vacuum profiles?

Now that the issue of soldering with vacuum profiles has been introduced in part 1, we’ll take a closer look at the process and discuss the obtained soldering results in part 2. Figure 1 shows the overall layout of the test board, although only the components with ground connection will …

ElectronicElectronic | english

Globally Networked – Controlled as if by Magic? – Industry 4.0

More and More Public Focus on Industry 4.0 Initiatives During the age of computer-controlled production sequences, abbreviations like CAM, CAD and CNC are a common part of manufacturing reality. When the term Industry 4.0 made its first public appearance at the 2011 Hanover Trade Fair, the associated content was new …

ElectronicElectronic | deutsch

Innovation . PILL GmbH Blackhole Prozess in der Leiterplattenherstellung

„Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es.“ Eine immerwährende Wahrheit, wie schon Erich Kästner wusste. Um den steigenden Marktanforderungen besser begegnen zu können hat die Becker & Müller Schaltungsdruck GmbH aus Steinach im Kinzigtal in der Nähe von Offenburg in eine neue PILL-Anlage für das Direktmetallisierungsverfahren BlackHole HT investiert. …

ElectronicElectronic | english

Press Release – The benefits of soldering with vacuum profiles

What are the benefits of soldering with vacuum profiles? Requirements for void-free solder joints are continuously increasing in the field of electronics manufacturing, i.e. the reduction or elimination of cavities in the connection technology used between component connectors and connector pads. New challenges evolve on a daily basis due to …

ElectronicElectronic | english

Innovation. PILL GmbH Blackhole Process in Printed Circuit Board Production

Actions speak louder than words. So goes the proverb and so go the advances at Becker and Müller. In order to better meet increasing market demands, the printed circuit board manufacturer, based in Steinach im Kinzigtal near Offenburg, have invested in a new PILL unit for the Blackhole HT direct …