Lasers for all environments
Laser light can become a powerful tool when integrated into a high-precision machinetool environment. Posalux offers such machine-tool solutions for the micromachining of various applications in the medical, electronic and automotive industry. Since the company introduced the first FEMTO laser machine for the automotive industry, it has added more applications …

PR electronic industry. Femtolaser – Micro-drilling and processing with unprecedented precision
The new individual Posalux series has been successfully tested on the market – Femtolaser Swiss Posalux has been on the market since 1943. Its laser drilling machine has now been expanded to include microtechnology. Drilling at unprecedented precision and speed have become possible. One femtosecond (1 fs) corresponds to 10-15 seconds, a …

Clean soldering systems with pyrolysis technology Rehm’s efficient new residue management system increases availability and lengthens maintenance cycles
As with many other thermal processes, the soldering of electronic assemblies creates solder fumes, aerosols and solid particles (residues) that need to be removed from the process cycle. With the VisionXP+, Rehm Thermal Systems has established an effective residue management system for reflow convection soldering. The continuing development of this …

Investment strategy – Rehm business centre
Rehm Thermal Systems continues to invest in its headquarters in Blaubeuren: Investment in personnel and systems will go ahead thanks to continually good business performance and positive future prospects. In the last five years alone, the number of permanent employees has increased from 206 to 302. ‘With all these new …

Innovation . PILL GmbH Blackhole Prozess in der Leiterplattenherstellung
„Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es.“ Eine immerwährende Wahrheit, wie schon Erich Kästner wusste. Um den steigenden Marktanforderungen besser begegnen zu können hat die Becker & Müller Schaltungsdruck GmbH aus Steinach im Kinzigtal in der Nähe von Offenburg in eine neue PILL-Anlage für das Direktmetallisierungsverfahren BlackHole HT investiert. …

Innovation. PILL GmbH Blackhole Process in Printed Circuit Board Production
Actions speak louder than words. So goes the proverb and so go the advances at Becker and Müller. In order to better meet increasing market demands, the printed circuit board manufacturer, based in Steinach im Kinzigtal near Offenburg, have invested in a new PILL unit for the Blackhole HT direct …