Tübingen. SPARTANER Coaching und Segelreisen Norwegen – Jenseits des Polarkreises- Vortrag bei der Studentischen Seglergemeinschaft
Region Neckar-Alb/ Tübingen. Großes Interesse im vollen Saal der Marquardtei in Tübingen. Über 30 Besucher trafen sich auf Einladung der Studentischen Seglergemeinschaft Tübingen e. V. zum interaktiven Austausch und Lofoten Segelvortrag des SPARTANER-Team.de. Spartaner Lead, Coach, Arktis Crew und Guide Volker Feyerabend teilte seine Erfahrungen und setzte neue Impulse bezüglich …

Automotive case study: Eberspaecher Controls- new developments and sustainable solutions
Sailing is back in fashion – now even on the road! The proportion of electronics used in vehicles has continued to increase – by roughly 50 % by 2016. Parallel to this trend is the growing requirement for the electronic components of the end devices to be safe, reliable and …

Sales support. GodToys.com
Plush Animals Not Only in the Child’s Bedroom – Wellness is our Principle Cuddly Spiritual Ganesha/“Elephant God“ Figure by GodToys.com Launched „Hug your luck!“ is the short and concise sentence with which your attention will be drawn to GodToys. What is behind it? Quite simply the offer of purchasing a …

Continental Automotive Systems- Optimization project in production
With a sales figure of 33,300 million in 2012, Continental AG is one of the world’s leading suppliers to the automobile industry. As a supplier of brake systems, systems and components for drive units and chassis, instrumentation, infotainment solutions, vehicle electronics, tires and precision elastomer products, Continental contributes to enhanced …